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 Paris market 

les jours et horaires d’ouverture du marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen:
samedi 9h à 18h
dimanche 10h à 18h
lundi 11h à 17h


des Puces de Vanves

Our market is located in the Paris'
14th arrondissement : avenue Marc Sangnier and avenue Georges Lafenestre.

It is open every week-end of the year , with no exception : - from 7 am to 1 pm (avenue Marc Sangnier) ; - from 7 am to 3-5 pm depending on tradesmen (avenue Georges Lafenestre).

You can reach it by subway : line 13, Porte de Vanves station . Bus : lines 28, 38, 48, 58, 95 . Tramway T3, Vélib'

If you come by car , you can park nearby (police is not very attentive with our clients' cars) : porte de Châtillon parking or Malakoff parking.
